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This is a very educational and helpful blog post through which I have learned a lot and I would like to commend you for this excellent work which I consider to be very useful for me and other readers, please continue, thank you.
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Setup an HLF test network including a DSU anchoring adapter
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Pedro Costa / opendsu-workspace-template
MIT LicenseA development Workspace Template for OpenDSU related Projects
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glass-project / wallet / ui-decorators
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A development Workspace Template for OpenDSU related Projects
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glass-project / wallet / localization
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A python flask server for EJBCA web app using eIDAS authentication
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A maven java server for camenisch-lysyanskaya API
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NebulOus / Use Cases / k8s-gatekeeper
Apache License 2.0Updated -
glass-project / wallet / trust-loader
MIT LicenseUpdated